Are you having trouble repairing medium dents? Repairing medium dents can be quite tricky if you don’t know have a proper approach. Glue pulling is definitely a great way to repair a dent.
Step-by-Step Guide When Repairing a Dent
Step One: Look for the edge of the dent
Observe the dent and locate the area where the dent is shallow and has no sharp edges. Your main objective is to find out where would be a great place to start and work your way toward the centre of the dent. You can find the area where there is less tension by pushing on the
dent and checking if it responds with movement.
Step Two: Glue Pulling Method
Clean the panel with methylated spirits before sticking your glue tab to the panel. Stick the glue tab on the panel and wait for it to hit the right temperature before pulling. Clean the residue with your methylated spirit and continue.

You will notice that as you continue to pull and move toward the opposite end of the dent, the other end will have released some of the tension. This means by the time you are able to reach the area of the dent where it has sharp edges, it will be easier to pull.
Remember to gently tap the edges to see if they start to move. Keep an eye on the ridges you’ve passed and after each pull to ensure that you are not creating anymore ridges than there already is. After every pull, you will have the ridges to work with. You can tap down on the ridges
with a blending hammer to push the metal back to its place.
As you continue to pull and the dent continues to shrink, you will notice there are some areas that have tension. Use your hammer to push the metal to the direction where it can release the tension. If the crown doesn’t move, switch to pulling the dent out again.

Step Three: Blending
By the time you’ve done pulling the dents you may have smaller dents to work with. You can use a smaller glue tab then continue using your blending hammer. Always blend evenly by tapping out the highs then blending out the lows. Repeat glue pulling with the smaller tab and
blending until the dents are gone and the surface is completely smooth.
This can still be quite a challenge for some and mastering this kind of repair method takes time and patience. You will definitely get the hang of it as you continue to work with dents.